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Dexter Peggins

Life Coaching/Military Training Processes

Dexter Peggins Jr. is a man with a mission: to help people strategize to navigate life, and to empower them to overcome its trials and tribulations. Donning a number of diverse roles such as: a husband, father, veteran, former hospital chaplain, and spiritual advisor; Dexter, is quickly becoming a sought after voice in the areas of leadership and purposeful living. 
Having faithfully served in the United States Army for 15 years, Dexter possesses the commitment and discipline needed to develop leaders. With the practical expertise he has gained from serving as a mentor and pastoral advisor, he is well equipped and well versed in providing personal and professional development services. Using the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP), Train the Trainer, and various other coaching and counselling modalities; Dexter has dramatically improved organizational processes and helped to shape the professional and personal paths of leaders. 
Dexter’s dedication to his faith and his community are exemplified by his works. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Christian Ministry (Regent University) and a Master of Public Administration (University of Phoenix). He presently serves on the advisory boards of the Department of Juvenile Justice, the Georgia Prison Re – Entry Initiative, My Brother’s Keeper and New Leaders Council. He is the Pastor of Evangelism at Covenant Family Church, the CEO and Founder of Kingdom Solutions Consulting, and the co – host of “When Men Open Up;” a podcast which strives to abolish the notion that men must suffer in silence, and which allows them to express themselves, seek closure for their inner turmoil and experience spiritual healing through God.
Dexter’s capabilities as an author (The Garden Experience; Perspective: 7 Stories from the Bible That Will Impact Your Life and Leadership), businessperson, mentor and motivational speaker are evident in the various responsibilities he assumes daily. He is no stranger to challenges, and there are virtually none which he cannot guide his clients through to achieve the results that they desire.

Associate Bio 6: About
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